
A hand is pointing at some numbers in a large spreadsheet displayed on a screen at a marketing agency in Madison, WI. The spreadsheet has multiple rows and columns with varying numerical data highlighted in different colors. The lighting is dim, highlighting the screen and hand.

What Marketing Budget Should My Business Adopt to Make Us More Competitive?

By Mark Hope / May 6, 2022 / 0 Comments

As a business owner, you may be wondering if you should adopt a marketing budget. After all, marketing can be expensive, and you may feel like you can save money by avoiding it altogether. However, marketing is essential to making your business more competitive. By investing in marketing, you can reach new customers, increase brand awareness, and boost sales.

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A close-up image shows a person holding and reviewing a "Small Business Loan Application Form" from a marketing agency in Madison, WI. The form appears partially filled out and includes areas to input personal and business information. The person's hands and a portion of their attire are visible in the background.

5 Trends in Small Business Financing

By Mark Hope / March 3, 2019 / 0 Comments

One of the biggest challenges that small business owners have faced throughout history is simply generating enough capital to start or expand their business.

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A visual representation of various employee benefits created by a leading marketing agency in Madison, WI. In the center are the words "Employee Benefits," surrounded by illustrations and terms such as Health Insurance, Paid Vacation, Meal Breaks, Social Security, Perks & Bonuses, Pay Raise, Employees Allowance, and Achievement Award.

Creative Benefits for Your Small Business

By Mark Hope / March 1, 2019 / 0 Comments

A lot of ink has been spilled in an effort to explain the mindset of the millennial generation, and they often get a bad rap for being a little needy or feeling entitled to accolades they didn’t earn.

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A graphic depicting interconnected terms related to cryptocurrency. The central word is "Blockchain," with connected terms like "Address," "Private Key," "Cryptocurrency," "Mining," "Bitcoins," "Digital Currency," "eWallet," and "Decentralized." The background has geometric shapes and the term “asymmetric marketing.”

Can your business take advantage of Bitcoin?

By Mark Hope / March 1, 2019 / 0 Comments

Bitcoin and the underlying blockchain technology has been invented almost a decade ago. It solved many long standing problems all at once:

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