
Close-up of a spreadsheet with various numerical data, featuring a pen resting diagonally across the page. A part of a calculator with visible buttons is situated on the right side of the image. The scene is monochromatic, focusing on financial work and pricing principles in accounting.

Pricing Principles – The Ultimate Asymmetric Business Tool

By Mark Hope / July 26, 2024 / 0 Comments

To compete against larger competitors with more resources, you must find strategies, tools, tactics, and processes that will help you level the playing field. One of the least understood business concepts is pricing.

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A hand prevents a falling line of wooden dominoes from continuing its chain reaction, symbolizing the precise interventions of a top marketing agency in Madison, WI. The dominoes on the left are tipped over, while those on the right remain standing upright against a plain, dark surface.

Luck Favors The Prepared Quote: A Business Philosophy to Live By

By Mark Hope / July 25, 2024 / 0 Comments

I’ve heard this quote many times in my life and I have used it liberally with my teams. I believe that it is a variation of a quote by Louis Pasteur. Dwight Eisenhower said, “Luck is where preparation meets opportunity.” Both of these quotes highlight the necessity for preparation.

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Close-up of two people shaking hands, both wearing business suits. The background features a blend of urban architecture and abstract blue light streaks. This dynamic, futuristic atmosphere captures the innovative spirit of a Madison WI marketing agency specializing in asymmetric marketing strategies.

The Wisdom of Experience: Why Hiring an Agency with Seasoned Professionals Matters

By Mark Hope / October 5, 2023 / 0 Comments

In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, businesses face a critical decision: choosing the right marketing agency to help navigate traditional & digital marketplaces.

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A close-up photo of two people shaking hands. One person is wearing a black blazer and has long hair, while the other is in a white shirt. The handshake signifies a business agreement, meeting, or partnership in a professional setting—perhaps sealing a new deal for an asymmetric marketing agency in Madison WI.

Thoughts on Hiring an Agency vs. Establishing an In-House Team

By Mark Hope / October 2, 2023 / 0 Comments

In the ever-evolving world of marketing, businesses are faced with a critical decision: Should they hire a marketing agency or build an in-house marketing team? This decision is not one to be taken lightly, as the choice can significantly impact a company’s growth and success. In this blog post, we’ll explore the advantages of hiring a marketing agency versus having an in-house team of marketers to help you make an informed decision.

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An open book glows in the center of the image, surrounded by towering stacks of old and worn books. The softly blurred bookshelf in the background emphasizes the central illuminated book, evoking a sense of wonder or discovery—much like uncovering unique strategies from a marketing agency based in Madison, WI.

According to Peter Drucker, What is the Only Purpose of Business? – Building Remarkable Enterprises

By Mark Hope / August 29, 2023 / 0 Comments

In business wisdom, one voice emerges with a clarity that cuts through the clutter – Peter Drucker.

His succinct statement, “The purpose of a business is to create a customer,” resonates deeply within the fabric of entrepreneurial thought.

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A dramatic landscape shows a fierce storm over a lush, green valley with fields and a small town, much like the diverse elements in Madison, WI. Dark, ominous clouds with a visible lightning bolt contrast sharply with the bright orange sunset on the horizon, reminiscent of asymmetric marketing strategies.

Asymmetrical Preparedness: Preventing Chaos Through Crucial Emergency Plans

By Mark Hope / August 15, 2023 / 0 Comments

Here we discuss a fundamental aspect of business continuity planning and operations: emergency preparedness plans. These plans aren’t just an optional checkbox but are, in fact, pivotal for the seamless functioning and survival of any business, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMBs).

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Top view of a warehouse conveyor system transporting cardboard boxes. The conveyor bends in a U-shape, surrounded by shelves stacked with multiple boxes, creating an organized logistical setup for a marketing agency in Madison, WI. The space appears clean and well-maintained.

Why Every Business Needs an E-Commerce Shop

By Mark Hope / August 7, 2023 / 0 Comments

An e-commerce shop is more than a mere option; it has become essential for businesses, especially small businesses with annual revenues of less than $50 million.

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A dramatic sky filled with dark, swirling storm clouds looms over Madison, WI. The powerful, turbulent appearance creates a sense of impending weather change, as if nature itself is mirroring the unpredictability often faced by a marketing agency navigating asymmetric marketing strategies.

How Does “Chance Favors the Prepared Mind” Conquer Destiny by Being Ready for Anything?

By Mark Hope / May 23, 2022 / 0 Comments

If you are unaware of things that influence a situation or an event, you are very unlikely to be able to identify any opportunity or learn anything significantly new.

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A high-tech, futuristic interface displaying a digital map of the world with data panels on the sides. Includes various charts, graphs, and diagrams, showing information about connection, efficiency, statistics, and location. Predominantly in blue, black, and green hues—ideal for a forward-thinking marketing agency in Madison WI.

How Can a Business War Game Conquer Risk and Apprehension?

By Mark Hope / May 23, 2022 / 0 Comments

Business wargaming is a process used to simulate competitive situations. It can be used to plan strategy, test business models, and make decisions.

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A monochrome image of a chessboard with pieces arranged for a game, reminiscent of grand strategies. The central focus is on a white king, illuminated dramatically, with pawns and other chess pieces surrounding it into the background. The overall lighting is dark and moody, akin to an asymmetric marketing strategy.

How to Use The Art of War in Your Business: Strategies for Success

By Mark Hope / March 31, 2022 / 0 Comments

Use The Art of War in your business. Learn everything about the strategies and tactics that can give you an edge over your competitors.

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A close-up view of a chessboard during a game, showing black and white chess pieces in Madison, WI. The focus is on a black pawn in the center, with other chess pieces blurred in the background. The scene is lit by soft, natural light.

What is a Business Wargame?

By Mark Hope / January 29, 2022 / 0 Comments

Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you’re not sure what to do next? If so, then business wargaming may be for you! Business wargaming is a strategy simulation tool that helps business owners make better decisions by allowing them to visualize different scenarios and their outcomes.

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Two Terracotta Warrior statues stand in the foreground, dressed in ancient armor with distinct facial expressions. Behind them, a hilly landscape with terraced slopes stretches into the distance under a clear sky, reminiscent of Madison WI's blend of history and modernity celebrated by local marketing agencies.

Use The Art of War to Grow Your Business

By Mark Hope / June 7, 2021 / 0 Comments

In business, we are always seeking guidance and direction. The complex nature of business leads us to look for frameworks and philosophies that will inform our decision-making.

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A white brick wall in Madison, WI with the words "Guerrilla Marketing" stenciled in black paint, creating a bold and edgy appearance. The text is centered and illuminated by a subtle spotlight effect, emphasizing the words against the textured background - an example of asymmetric marketing strategy.

Why Guerrilla Marketing Must Evolve

By Mark Hope / May 17, 2020 / 0 Comments

Guerrilla Marketing draws on the concept of guerrilla warfare and it is a philosophy, strategy, and set of tools that can be used by small businesses.

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A hand moves a black chess pawn across a surface featuring interconnected lines and dots. Other black pawns are placed on various points, with a highlighted yellow path connecting points A and B, indicating a strategic move—much like the expertise of a marketing agency in Madison WI.

Asymmetric Competition in Business: An Introduction to Business Wargaming Concept

By Mark Hope / January 6, 2020 / 0 Comments

A core challenge for all businesses is to understand, anticipate, and prepare for competitive activity in the marketplace. Many business plans contain a section on competition, but the level of detail is often woefully inadequate to arrive at any sort of meaningful understanding of the competitive landscape.

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A book titled "The Art of War" with a grey cover and yellow text is placed on a wooden surface. Surrounding the book are vintage typewriter keys and other mechanical components, creating an old-fashioned, rustic ambiance, reminiscent of a Madison WI marketing agency’s creative desk.

Asymmetric Marketing – Levels of Planning

By Mark Hope / February 6, 2019 / 0 Comments

We all know that there are significant parallels between business strategy and military strategy.

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